You are a beautifully unique human...but what does that mean for your business?

In a world full of noise where everyone and their brother wants to tell you how to get things done, I’m here to share that there are no “one shoe fits all”  when it comes to business and life. So, first off, give yourself a break! The reality is we are all beautifully unique humans intricately woven together. 

Friends, I've spent countless years trying to find the formula for creating the perfect life, but the reality is, there’s no such thing! However, there is one thing that is perfect and divinely unique, YOU: your story, your experiences, your gifts. Learning to lean in and truly embrace who you are have the power to unleash your greatest potential and higher purpose for your life. 

As business owners, we tend to see our failures before our wins. We see our faults instead of our unique flavor. You are your own worst critic- but we both know this is also hurting your success to be so hard on yourself!

Last night I watched the much anticipated Brene Brown, The Call to Courage special on Netflix. In typical fashion, she did not disappoint! The 90 minute special was filled with words of encouragement, a bit of harsh reality and a healthy dose of humor. I found myself laughing and crying so hard at times it hurt. Brene shared her insight on what it takes to choose courage over comfort, and I can honestly say that her words were truly transformational!! This is the one time I’m going to tell you what to do…GO WATCH THE SPECIAL!! It will CHANGE the way you view and LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!

As a creative entrepreneur, you show acts of bravery and vulnerability every single day when you show up and share our work with the world. Wherever you are in life and business, know that you are courageous for taking the risk of pursuing your passion and dreams. I encourage you to show up and be seen because the world deserves to experience your very special gifts.

I wish you love and light this week, friend. May you be blessed beyond all comprehension.